Development History Of Vibrating Screening Equipment

The vibrating screening equipment in our country liberated the old screening machine left before in the surveying and mapping imitation stage of the 20th century and began production. In the initial self-designed stage, due to the heavy structure of the equipment, the power of the transmission machine is large, the processing capacity is low, and the screening effect is poor. Therefore, since the 1960s, on the basis of the past production practice, we have designed and manufactured circular vibrating screens, linear vibrating screens, and rotary vibrating screens, gradually replacing the heavy old machinery.
From the late 1970s to the 1990s, it belonged to the stage of independent development of new products. In this stage, large-scale circular vibrating screen, linear vibrating screen and cylindrical screen were developed. Especially in the 1980s, China introduced advanced vibrating screen production technology from the United States, Japan, Germany and other countries. After digestion and absorption, a series of new vibrating screen equipment were manufactured.
In the 1990s, vibrating screen was developed on a large scale. With the wide application of vibrating screening technology, in order to meet the market, on the one hand, efforts should be made to expand the mechanical application; On the one hand, it is also adapting to the production market demand of difficult screening materials.
Although there are many kinds of screening equipment, vibrating screening equipment is widely used. Because of the high frequency and small amplitude, the material jumps on the screen surface, so the production capacity and screening efficiency are relatively high. It is widely used, so it is well received by consumers.

Post time: Aug-24-2022