What are the screen mesh shapes and requirements for mesh quality

The nauseous forehead noodles with different intentions adapted from the standard of the screen surface are based on the different intentions. The parameters used are the corresponding intentional values ​​for screening, filtering, and protection according to the used surface. The requirements for sex are better. The difference in the selection of the production process of the mesh surface is better. The numerical parameters are based on the numerical value of the hierarchical aperture size. The parameter is based on the thickness of the warp and weft threads used. Uniformity, firmness of the aperture of the mesh surface and the size of the standard surface detected by the uniformity and aperture value as quality standards. The selection of the mesh surface is based on the operation. The reference is rectangular, square, prismatic, Many kinds of mesh apertures, such as circular and elliptical, are suitable for the special mesh selection.

The different and more standard adaptable sieve screens are based on the use of the intentions according to the different uses and the requirements are based on the amount corresponding to the better. The overall numerical screen can be made. The screen surface is based on the uniformity of the aperture size, and the screen surface is firmly adapted to the needs of numerical quality inspection. The screen surface is based on the flatness and quality inspection. The net surface between the amount of the amount of the meaning is the amount of the amount of damage that is included in the total amount of damage. The standard amount of the amount of the amount of the amount corresponding to the amount of the amount of the amount of the amount of the amount of the amount of the amount of the amount of the amount of the amount The usable secondary sink contains the inter-frontal inter-frontal standard mesh surface aperture, which is used for welding, weaving, crocheting, stretching, twisting and other technical means to pass the quality inspection contained in the meaning of the qualified meaning.

Post time: Jan-14-2022